Writing a Modern HTTP(S) Tunnel in Rust.

A step-by-step guide on how to create an async I/O app in Rust.

Eugene Retunsky
8 min readSep 17, 2020


This post is for anyone interested in writing performant and safe applications in Rust quickly. It walks the reader through designing and implementing an HTTP Tunnel and basic, language-agnostic, principles of creating robust, scalable, observable, and evolvable network applications.

Rust: performance, reliability, productivity. Pick three.

About a year ago, I started to learn Rust. The first two weeks were quite painful. Nothing compiled, I didn’t know how to do basic operations, I couldn’t make a simple program run. But step by step, I started to understand what the compiler wanted. Even more, I realized that it forces the right thinking and correct behaviour.

Yes, sometimes, you have to write seemingly redundant constructs. But it’s better not to compile a correct program than to compile an incorrect one. This makes making mistakes more difficult.

Anyway, soon after, I became more or less productive and finally could do what I wanted. Well, most of the time.

Recently out of curiosity, I decided to take on a slightly more complex challenge: implement an HTTP Tunnel in Rust. It turned out to be surprisingly easy to do and took about a day, which is quite impressive. Basically, I stitched together tokio, clap, serde, and several other very useful crates. Okay, enough of the introduction. Let me share the knowledge I gained during this exciting challenge and elaborate on why I organized the app this way. I hope you’ll enjoy it.

What is an HTTP Tunnel?

Simply put, it’s a lightweight VPN that you can set up with your browser so your Internet provider cannot block or track your activity, and web-servers won’t see your IP address.

If you’d like, you can test it with your browser locally, e.g., with Firefox (otherwise just skip this section for now).

  1. Install the app using cargo:
$ cargo install http-tunnel

2. Start:

$ http-tunnel --bind http

You can also check the http-tunnel GitHub repository for build/installation instructions.

Now you can go to your browser and set the HTTP Proxy to localhost:8080. For instance, in Firefox just search for proxy in the preferences section:

Finding the proxy settings

and then specify it for HTTP Proxy and also check it for HTTPS:

Setting the proxy to just built `http_tunnel`

You can visit several web-pages and check the ./logs/application.log file — all your traffic was going via the tunnel. For example:

Okay, let’s walk through the process from the beginning.

Design the app

Each application starts with design, which means we need to define the following:

  1. Functional requirements.
  2. Non-functional requirements.
  3. Application abstractions and components.

Step 1. Functional requirements

We need to follow the specification outlined here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_tunnel :

Negotiate target with an HTTP CONNECT request. E.g., if the client wants to create a tunnel to www.wikipedia.org, the request will look like:

CONNECT www.wikipedia.org:443 HTTP/1.1

followed by a response, e.g.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

After this point, just relay TCP traffic both ways until one of the sides closes it, or an I/O error happens.

The HTTP Tunnel should work for both HTTP and HTTPS.

We also should be able to manage access/block targets (e.g., to block-list trackers).

Step 2. Non-functional requirements

The service shouldn’t log any information that identifies users.

It should have high throughput and low-latency (it should be unnoticeable for users and relatively cheap to run).

Ideally, we want it to be resilient to traffic spikes, provide noisy neighbor isolation, and resist basic DDoS attacks.

Error messaging should be developer-friendly. We want the system to be observable to troubleshoot and tune it in production at a massive scale.

Step 3. Components

When designing components, we need to first breakdown the app to a set of responsibilities. First, let’s see how our flow diagram looks like:

To implement this, we can introduce the following main components:

  1. TCP/TLS Acceptor
  2. HTTP CONNECT Negotiator
  3. Target Connector
  4. Full-Duplex Relay


TCP/TLS Acceptor

When we roughly know how to organize the app, it’s time to decide which dependencies we should use. For Rust, the best I/O library I know is tokio. In the tokio family, there are many libraries, including tokio-tls, which makes things much simpler. So the TCP acceptor code would look like:

And then the whole acceptor loop + launching asynchronous connection handlers would be:

Let’s break down what’s happening here. We accept a connection. If the operation was successful, use tokio::spawn to create a new task that will handle that connection. Memory/thread-safety management happens behind the scenes. Handling futures is hidden by async/await syntax sugar.

However, there is one question. TcpStream and TlsStream are different objects, but handling both is precisely the same. Can we re-use the same code? In Rust, abstraction is achieved via Traits, which are super handy:

The stream must implement:

  • AsyncRead /Write— so we can read/write it asynchronously
  • Send— to be able to send between threads
  • Unpin— to be moveable (otherwise we won’t be able to do async move and tokio::spawn to create an async task)
  • 'static —to denote that it may live until application shutdown and doesn’t depend on any other object’s destruction.

Which our TCP/TLS streams exactly are. However, now we can see that it doesn’t have to be TCP/TLS streams. This code would work for UDP or QUIC or ICMP. I.e., it can wrap any protocol within any other protocol, or itself.
In other words, this code is reusable, extendable, and ready for migration (which happens sooner or later).

HTTP Connect Negotiator

Let’s pause for a second and think at a higher level. What if we can abstract from HTTP Tunnel, and just need to implement a generic tunnel?

  1. We need to establish some transport-level connections (L4).
  2. Negotiate a target (doesn’t really matter how: HTTP, PPv2, etc.).
  3. Establish an L4 connection to the target.
  4. Report success and start relaying data.

A target could be, for instance, another tunnel. Also, we can support different protocols. The core would stay the same.

We already saw that tunnel_stream method already works with any L4 Client<->Tunnel connection.

Here, we specify two abstractions:

  1. TunnelTarget is just something that has an Addr — whatever it is.
  2. TargetConnector — can connect to that Addr and needs to return a stream that supports async I/O.

Okay, but what about the target negotiation? The tokio-utils crate already has an abstraction for that, named Framed streams (with corresponding Encoder/Decoder traits). We need to implement them for HTTP CONNECT (or any other proxy protocol). You can find the implementation here.


We only have one major component remaining — that which relays data after the tunnel negotiation is done. tokio provides a method to split a stream into two halves: ReadHalf and WriteHalf. We can split both client and target connections and relay them in both directions:

Where the relay_data(…) definition requires nothing more than implementing abstractions mentioned above. I.e., it can connect any two halves of a stream:

And finally, instead of a simple HTTP Tunnel, we have an engine that can be used to build any type of tunnels or a chain of tunnels (e.g., for onion routing), over any transport and proxy protocols:

The implementation is almost trivial in basic cases, but we want our app to handle failures, and that’s the focus of the next section.

Dealing with failures

The amount of time engineers deal with failures is proportional to the scale of a system. It’s easy to write happy-case code. Still, if it enters an irrecoverable state on the very first error, it’s painful to use. Besides that, your app will be used by other engineers, and there are very few things more irritating than cryptic/misleading error messages. If your code runs as a part of a large service, some people need to monitor and support it (e.g., SREs or DevOps), and it should be a pleasure for them to deal with your service.

What kind of failures may an HTTP Tunnel encounter?

It’s a good idea to enumerate all error codes that your app returns to the client. So it’s clear why a request failed if the operation can be tried again (or shouldn’t), if it’s an integration bug or just network noise.

Dealing with delays is crucial for a network app. If your operations don’t have timeouts, it’s a matter of time until all of your threads will be Waiting for Godot, or your app will exhaust all available resources and become unavailable. Here we delegate timeout definition to RelayPolicy:

Relay policy can be configured like this:

idle_timeout: 10s
min_rate_bpm: 1000
max_rate_bps: 10000
max_lifetime: 100s
max_total_payload: 100mb

So we can limit activity per connection with max_rate_bps and detecting idle clients with min_rate_bpm (so they don’t consume system resources than can be utilized more productively). A connection lifetime and total traffic may be bounded as well.

It goes without saying that each failure mode needs to be tested. It’s straightforward to do that in Rust in general and with tokio-test in particular:

The same goes for I/O errors:

Logging and metrics

I haven’t seen an application that failed only in ways anticipated by its developers. I’m not saying there are no such applications. Still, chances are that your app is going to encounter something you didn’t expect: data races, specific traffic patterns, dealing with traffic bursts, legacy clients.

But probably one of the most common types of failures is human failures, such as pushing bad code or configuration, which are inevitable in large projects. Anyway, we need to be able to deal with something we didn’t foresee. So we emit enough information that would allow us to detect failures and troubleshoot.

So we’d better log every error and important events with meaningful information and relevant context as well as statistics.

Please note the tunnel_ctx: TunnelCtx field, which can be used to correlate metric records with log messages:

"{} failed to write {} bytes. Err = {:?}, CTX={}",
self.name, n, e, self.tunnel_ctx

Configuration and parameters

Last but not least. We’d like to be able to run our tunnel in different modes with different parameters. Here’s where serde and clap become handy.

In my opinion, clap makes dealing with command line parameters pleasant. Extraordinarily expressive and easy to maintain.

Configuration files can be easily handled with serde-yaml:

dns_cache_ttl: 60s
allowed_targets: "(?i)(wikipedia|rust-lang)\\.org:443$"
connect_timeout: 10s
idle_timeout: 10s
min_rate_bpm: 1000
max_rate_bps: 10000

Which just corresponds to Rust structs:

It doesn’t need any additional comments to make it readable and maintainable, and that is beautiful.


As you could see from this quick overview, the Rust ecosystem already provides many building blocks so you can focus on what you need to do rather than how. You didn’t see any memory/resources management or explicit thread-safety (which often comes at the expense of concurrency) with impressive performance. Abstraction mechanisms are fantastic, so your code can be highly reusable. This task was a lot of fun, so I’ll try to take on the next challenge.



Eugene Retunsky
Eugene Retunsky

Written by Eugene Retunsky

Tech leader with hands-on experience in building and operating large-scale systems. Ex-AWS/Ex-Google. Focusing on reliability, security, and performance.

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