Okay, I measured `node-tcp-proxy`.
1. Installed npm i node-tcp-proxy
2. Launched the binary tcpproxy
(exactly as other TCP proxies in this test).
It is somewhere in between NetCrusher(Java) and pproxy (Python) in terms of latency. It made up 25k RPS (similar to NetCrusher).
Slightly worse latency than NetCrusher(Java), but lower StdDev
You can see some number below for all three use-cases:
1. Moderate TPS (had to limit by 15k rps):
Request rate: 14997.107 per second
Success rate: 100.000%
Total bytes: 9.0 GB
Bitrate: 1199.769 Mbps
Min : 93µs
p50 : 438µs
p90 : 795µs
p99 : 1580µs
p99.9 : 12837µs
p99.99 : 14664µs
Max : 17597µs
Mean : 521µs
StdDev : 578µs
tm99.9 : 507µs
2. The max TPS:
Request rate: 25084.789 per second
Success rate: 100.000%
Bitrate: 2006.783 Mbps
Min : 109µs
p50 : 3509µs
p90 : 7152µs
p99 : 18465µs
p99.9 : 23315µs
p99.99 : 39224µs
Max : 222430µs
Mean : 3967µs
StdDev : 3351µs
tm99.9 : 3941µs
3. No keep-alive:
Request rate: 3498.086 per second
Bitrate: 279.847 Mbps
Min : 442µs
p50 : 1879µs
p90 : 2728µs
p99 : 3628µs
p99.9 : 7427µs
p99.99 : 15360µs
Max : 17384µs
Mean : 1931µs
StdDev : 684µs
tm99.9 : 1923µs
I can share the bash scripts if you'd like to compare different JS frameworks. It took ~10 minutes for me to set the test bed and run benchmarks.